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Reversing and preventing

cognitive decline

You have all met survivors of cancer but have you met survivors of dementia?

You will from now on

Memory loss, confusion, cognitive decline – a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is devastating not just for the patients but for their loved ones as well. Sadly, this diagnosis is often followed by a doctor telling the patient to take medication (often ineffective) and to ‘put their affairs in order’.

Fortunately, there is hope: the Bredesen Protocol® – the only known treatment shown to slow and even reverse cognitive decline meaning Alzheimer’s is treatable.

What is the Bredesden Protocol?

Backed by well-founded science and research, the Bredesen Protocol is a personalised programme which aims to reduce the exposure to triggers for cognitive decline, creating resilience, strengthening immune systems and supporting mitochondrial function.

Helping identify the multi-faceted causes of Alzheimer’s disease, such as nutrition, lifestyle and exposure to environmental toxins, the protocol outlines an approach to its prevention tailored to your own unique situation.

The result: improved cognition and the reversal of cognitive decline.

Find out more about how this treatment can help with Alzheimer’s and take a look at the science and clinical trials behind the Bredesen Protocol.

Bredesen Seven
Alzheimer's Disease - a protocol for you

Who can it help?

Whether you’re looking to reverse cognitive decline or would like to prevent Alzheimer’s, the Bredesen Protocol can help.

Learn more about the PreCODE and ReCODE programmes and the impact they can have on Alzheimer’s and your health.

Your Bredesden Protocol Health Coach

Catherine Rogers is one of only a handful of UK based practitioners who has successfully completed Dr Bredesen’s ReCODE training.

Working alongside two doctors, Catherine believes in the ‘art of the possible’ and will use her knowledge and expertise to work with you to identify what changes you can practically make to your life.

Find out more about her Bredesen Protocol qualification and what makes her an ideal Health Coach.

Our Health Coaching Services

We will support you on your journey towards better health by providing support and helping you understand and adopt the changes needed to prevent and reverse cognitive decline. We are more than happy to work alongside doctors and would always recommend you talk to your own doctor before making any changes to your current medical treatment.

You’ll also be be part of the Apollo Health community. As well as having access to all their great resources and guides to help you on your journey you’ll also be able to join their support groups to share your frustrations, fears and, of course, triumphs.

While the Bredesden Protocol might seem costly, people with dementia pay more for their care than those with other conditions. The average annual cost is in the region of £32,240 per person with dementia. In comparison, the Bredesden Protocol is a fraction of the cost.

We offer a number of different Health Coaching packages depending on the level of support you require.

What my clients say

“I will forever be thankful that at a time when I was finding the regimen, which my practitioner had prescribed, particularly demanding – even irksome – you accepted me as a client. At that time I had been attempting for close on two years to gain the ability to switch over to ketosis. You were able to generate the confidence I needed, if I was to devote a  further year to this endeavour. 

Quite early on you persuaded me to acquire a Biosensor device for utilising air exhaled from one’s lungs to provide a measurement of the extent to which the body is using ketones as a fuel in preference to glucose. Despite the fact that these devices are hard to come by in Europe you managed to channel one to me from its makers in the USA.

In parallel with this you introduced me to using the Cronometer app which proved to be the key to deploying the Biosensor to best effect. 

Indeed I could never have learned how to remain at an acceptable level of ketosis were it not for your guidance and advice, for which I am immeasurably grateful.”     Robert, age 93 

I wouldn’t tell a friend or a patient, but you’re fat and swollen and I think you have a gluten intolerance.

“Those words will stay in my head as possibly the most important and life changing.

I have now lost 7 lbs, but feel 50 years younger. My feet, knees, neck, hips and head have stopped aching. 

I thought when I had a tummy ache after eating I was still hungry and didn’t know it was inflammation.

I’m astonished at Cronometer and the carbs in some foods, and how its educating me.

It’s great when you know you have changed someone’s life, and you certainly have for me.”

Thanks.     Jeff